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Citizens Advice Havering is committed to providing a quality service.  If we’ve let you down we want to hear from you – no matter how big or small the issue is.  Often, we’ll be able to put things right; even when we can’t, knowing where we’ve gone wrong will help us do better in the future.  We undertake to deal with every complaint quickly, professionally and confidentially.


If you feel you have not received good service, in the first instance please speak to the adviser or their supervisor who will often be able to solve the problem straight away.  If they can’t or you’re still not happy you can make a formal complaint.


Making a formal complaint


There are several ways to do this.  You can write a letter explaining what happened and send it to the Chief Officer or the Chair of the Trustee Board at the following address or you can drop it into the Citizens Advice Havering service you are complaining about:-


Citizens Advice Havering

1st Floor, Central Library

St Edwards Way




Alternatively, you can email us by completing the Complaints Form and clicking “submit”.   


Once we have received your complaint, we will acknowledge it within five working days. 


The acknowledgement will include:-


  • Confirmation  your complaint has been received

  • A brief description of how your complaint will be handled including the role/name of the person responsible and the timescale for a full response

  • Information about the full complaints procedure

  • Confirmation that if your complaint is not resolved  how you can escalate your complaint further


Your complaint will be investigated by someone who isn’t directly involved.  If it’s upheld, we’ll apologise fully – and, if appropriate, let you know what we’re doing to put things right.  We aim to provide you with a full response within eight weeks.  If it’s going to take longer than this, we’ll explain why and keep you informed of progress.



Asking for a review


If you feel we haven’t dealt with your complaint properly, or you aren’t satisfied with the outcome, you can ask us to review the decision.  Please make sure you ask for this within four weeks of receiving the decision by contacting the Citizens Advice Client Services team:-


By telephone: 03000 231 900 or by email:


If, after the review, you are still not happy with the decision, you can refer your complaint to an independent adjudicator.  This will be someone unconnected with Citizens Advice who will decide whether your complaint has been dealt with fairly.  If you want to progress to this stage, you must contact the Citizens Advice Client Services team within four weeks of receiving your review decision.


Our Privacy Policy


When you make a complaint about our service we collect personal information from you so we can help deal with your complaint.  Please refer to our Privacy Policy to see how we use, store and share your information.


Financial Ombudsman Service


If your complaint is about debt advice or if you were seeking advice about your credit record and you are not satisfied with the final response or if eight weeks have passed since you first let us know about your concerns, you can ask the Financial Ombudsman Service to review your complaint.  You can contact the Service:-


By telephone:- free from a landline – 0800 023 4567 or  free from a mobile phone 0300 1123 9123

By email:-

On line:


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Heategevuse registreerimisnumber 1002593.  Garantiiga piiratud äriühing. Registreerimisnumber 2577502.  Lubatud ja reguleeritud  Financial Conduct Authority FRN: 617631. Asukoht: Romfordi keskraamatukogu, esimene korrus, St Edward Way, Romford RM1 3AR.  Autoriõigus © 2018. Kodanike nõuanded.                                                                                               

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