Kodanike nõuanne Havering soovib jagada järgmisi häid uudiseid:-
Naabrivolikogu esitas Pollyle karistustasu teatise 2016. aasta suvel. Tema vaimse tervise probleemide ja mitmete võlgade tõttu on PCN ...
Nägime klienti mõni kuu pärast seda, kui ta oli suhteliselt lühikese haigusperioodi järel vallandatud. Rangete tähtaegade ja kliendi edasise apellatsiooni puudumise tõttu olime ...
Arthuril oli universaalse krediidi taotlemisel tõsiseid raskusi hiljutise kaotuse, arvutioskuste ja internetiühenduse puudumise ning koroonaviiruse piirangute tõttu, mistõttu ta ei saanud nõudeid esitada ei veebis, töökeskuses Plus ega telefoni teel ...
John came to us a few days before the Free Representation Unit deadline for representation. He had made a case to the Tribunal for non-payment of wages of about £5,900. His employer did not deny that John had worked those hours and should be paid but alleged that a cash-in-hand payment of £3,500 had already been made to him. John denied that such a payment had been made.
Debbie was supported by us through the Tribunal process in respect of her claim for constructive dismissal and sex discrimination. She was empowered to settle through judicial mediation for £30,000 tax-free plus a reference.
Clare came to us for help when she was invited to an investigation meeting (the start of the disciplinary process), and was subsequently dismissed after being on suspension and not being given all the evidence it was claimed the company used to dismiss her. With our guidance, she settled through ACAS for £4,000 tax-free plus a reference.